Wednesday 2 May 2007

GCSE Past Papers

Special message for Year 11 students! Here's the link for the past exam papers on the AQA website. Look at the papers (you can choose Higher or Foundation as appropriate), and look at the mark schemes too.

Remember, Paper 1 is the Decision Making Paper, and Paper 2 is the one which tests your knowledge of the topics we have covered in the last two years.

The topic for Paper 1 this year is as follows:

“Paper 1 will consider different indicators used to compare
economic development and how levels of development reflect
general quality of life and employment opportunities. It will
then look at the issues associated with the development of
tourism in LEDCs and examine a specific example. It will also
consider the issue of managing tourism developments in
sensitive areas.”

Happy revising!

1 comment:

ana said...

hi miss

what is the exam board of geography- i wasn't sure if it was AQA or edexcell
